Kent and I on the Plaza

Kent and I on the Plaza

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Poet Tree - September 20 update

Today we explored the poem "Ode to my Socks" by Pablo Neruda.  We discussed similes and metaphors and added them to our "Poetry Toolbox."  The students worked in teams to write a poem based on "Predictable" by Bruce Lansky.  Students had to write creative similes into their poems so that the second and fourth lines rhymed.  Beginning Wednesday, September 21, we will focus on metaphors and extended metaphors.  They will have to guess the meaning of the extended metaphors I give them.  We will then look at the acrostic form of poetry and work to write acrostics that incorporate similes and metaphors.  Usually, this is a hard assignment.  We will be examining "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes and "Custard the Dragon" by Ogden Nash to examine their use of simile and metaphor and we will be contrasting the moods of the poems.

Monday students are slightly behind and they will begin similes on Monday, September 26.  They will begin acrostics on Monday, October 3.

Also, it is time for students to declare which poem they wish to memorize for Poetry Cafe.  I already have students working on the memorization.  The poetry list is attached to my website should you need it.

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